Thursday, March 04, 2010


i hate sexist jokes for two reasons. firstly, i hate pigs. secondly, they generate shame for the rest of the men out there who arent pigs. cant really avoid the latter. people are stupid and will automatically derive judging thoughts from worse observations.

i went to a ceremony of marriage vow renewals a couple months ago and was terrorised not by blatant asshatery but by the ignorant and worse kind. from a church leader: 

"A woman marries a man expecting him to change, but he doesnt. A man marries a woman expecting her never to change, but she does."

word to the wise, you idiots: if you dont have a vagina dont be fucking telling this joke in front of people who do. to top it off, some vows included phrases where the "wife" was to submit to her "husband". ok so even the bible wont support gender equality. but seriously, how many wives out there actually do that? and no, doing so simply to pacify your unreasonable man doesnt count as submission. that counts as being smart. and you cant really expect people to think youre smart if youre submitting all the time, especially when you dont have to.

see thats the problem with rules. i fucking hate rules. they are shit on a plate. they dont fix things. theyre just good at tying you up so that you dont mess up the status quo. and guess who set the status quo? yes the people with penises. and the problem with dickheads is that their brains failed to develop due to diverted blood flow from cranium to pubis.

sometimes its just better to have a woman in charge. if barack wasnt black i would have rooted for hillary. there are countless psychological barriers preventing women, afros, gays, etc from reaching positions of influence. now, consider the fact that if one of them can rise to such a position of their own accord, how great does it speak of their competence and ability to achieve the same level of success despite the shakier start and experience with higher hurdles? how great is the height of their future knowing the superiority of their ability thus far in time?

yet i am not a blind feminist. if i find any woman abusing the movement i will undo her just as easily:

there are few things that makes me more furious than discovering a bully. its when i discover a victim who sits on their ass and cries foul. fuck you. get up and walk, stupid worm. why dont you prove them wrong instead of right? then im furious when i discover a victim who claims he is better than a bully simply by standing up to him. well, fuck you too. you havent proven shit. go match a bully's ability and then claim glory.

and the following would apply to all people in positions of minority in any aspect: if you were born with weights around your ankles you do not go around making excuses for being slower than the rest. you do not go around telling the rest you would have won them had you not have been born that way. you do not go around telling the rest you are better than them simply because you have to run harder. you havent proven squat.

but if you do beat them, boy, do you deserve to shit on their faces.

back to women. do not tell me what a woman is or what a woman could be. i know full well that i know nothing about them so let no fucking man lecture me on this topic. and dont even start with gender roles because i already know all of it to be pure and utter bullshit.

let my anger with all of mankind be clearly expressed, for i will be just as angry tomorrow and also five years from now when i read this again and yet again and realise nothing in this world has changed.


greg c said...

if i were a woman i would never be able to express all of this without fear of accusations of bias.

thank god i am a man.

because i am, this is my duty.

+1 for feminism.

chasey said...

Désolé, J'ai bien voulu dire.

greg c said...

voulezvous coucher avec moi cesoir creole lady marmalade