Friday, March 19, 2010

rules part quatre

the purpose of the mosaic law as it turned out, wasnt to save jews but to prove to them that they were incapable of keeping it. after all, so flawed are we that we couldnt save ourselves even if our own asses depended on it. rules and laws do not teach the heart, only the body. the law, intended to be a scaffolding structure for the jews, became a stumbling block and iron curtain, preventing their own promised salvation.

it reached the point where God literally had to hand down a deus ex machina in the form of his son so that all the hopeless people may be saved. and yet they still shut their eyes to it. they did not see that the new age of grace ushered out the age of law, such that none of them needed longer to answer to disciplinarians. the law was meant to save them--it wasnt abolished; it was simply fulfilled that day at golgotha.

sure, its been written numerous times what one needed to do to enter the great kingdom. but really, everything that was listed are suggestions leading to the spirit of love. if there is no latter, then there is no former. and the pharisees followed the law to the letter, and yet they told squarely that they were were to be denied from heaven. why? because blind faith is not faith. one can follow all the rules and yet still fail, simply because one does not bother to understand why those rules exist. their hearts were always in the law and never in God. the more i read into the pauline scriptures the more i see this in religion today, especially my own.

there are a million ways to love someone. i dont understand why people have to go to church to find out how to do it, especially from leaders who remind me so much of the pharisees. well i guess someone has to take the fall for the rest to be saved, after all, even the jews had to be sacrificed for the sake of the gentiles. seriously, there is so much judgment and so little tolerance. sometimes i am so ashamed. if jesus were still here in person today, every pastor would get an ass-kicking.

you and your rules. you exclude people from your flock. you wear nice clothes and drive big cars and though you give to the poor, you laugh at those who worship idols. you shun all those who are different. and you do not teach your people not to shun those who are different, you impose your laws on those who arent even under your roof. you enforce before teaching. you teach words of man, not words of God. bad that even your sheep do not know any better. worse that they depend on you to teach them. worst of all, you would deny all of this.

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