Sunday, March 28, 2010

what is it


melodies of the clock and of history
fill the sea behind the mind's eye
eagerly perceiving the ungathered
the gaze it penetrates every veil
doors are locked but they do not stop it from devouring all
even bricks and mortar are reduced to an ocean of easy
in which it swims with flair like the penguins black and white
and the million shades of gray in between
to understand but not be understood
is a power undesired
a yoke that chains it's heart to rocks heavy and grounds unmoving
o, how it yearns to free it's hands from it's pocket or part it's lips
to recite the stories still untold
lo, the song of numbers do not add up
as the illustrations of reality fail to match the lyrics of the fantastic script
even as the rules of nature bow down in it's midst
that impossibility is impossible and nos can be yesses
yet it must be enslaved by the dark carousel of cyclic contemplation
producing artificial limits
to be placed on a vessel of surely unlimited outcomes
a perfectly imperfect vessel even pessimism himself cannot douse
weeping is lifted by admiration of a construct rebuilt from selftorn abuse
o, how it fancies to shred every and all into comprehensible truth
lo, itself it must eventually tear
and with the greatest fervour and harshest teeth yet
so let heaven be witness to the irony of ironies
as the weight of this one weighs heavier than any iron


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