Saturday, February 27, 2010

meaning of life part trois

walking around in school on the 23rd i bumped into something interesting. this time especially, since i was on the way to somewhere else more important, and this just came out to me; normally i consciously drift between ideas to discover truths.

but no, this time, this truth was sitting there, waiting to discover me. a yellow waste bin prefaced with the emboldened words FOR OTHERS. if it had been standing with two other bins labeled for paper and for plastics i wouldnt be surprised if i missed the message entirely.

considering three bins, a green one FOR PAPER, and a red one FOR PLASTIC and this, FOR OTHERS, i would hazard a guess that the most interesting things may only be found in the yellow can.  

the stark color of this bin, the simplicity of the wording, the quiet corner location, the clearly inaccessible window and the stunning irony that all of this is in essence the entire gospel on the face of a trash can come together, creating a gestalt voice that reminds me of the true meaning of life...

and on a secondary note, that the good things in life are found only in the quietest place, that though once found they are still hard to reach and when they come within reach they are still hidden among dirty things, dirty things that make us smell and doubt our choices, dirty things that however make us tolerant, more resilient to the outside world and its filth, of which there is undeniable abundance, an insuperable hurdle to the fullness of life if not for the fact that any one of us can leap over it once we have located each of our own quietest place and sifted through the lowest layers of our minds and scraped away the thickest muck lining our hearts.

and once we have removed the wooden plank from our own eye we may then, for others, help them remove the speck of sawdust in theirs.

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