Tuesday, January 26, 2010

gregory for dummies part deux

Lesson 401: Gregory as described by the astrologers, 
18 April 1988, 0824h, 1N16 103E51 

This is a heavy topic for 4th year students only. Study tips: lecturer comments, false information, good to know, very important, sure come out for exam.

Mars in Aquarius 
Rather than working according to established patterns, you want to find your own way, which you hope(know) will be better. As a result you are quite inventive and original. As you get older you will be concerned with the greater good of society. You are quite capable of directing your efforts to goals that will not benefit you personally but will benefit others. Even while you are young, you resent authority. If you are convinced of the importance of a cause, you work better with a group than you do alone.

Saturn in Capricorn 
Saturn is especially at home in this sign, the sign of its rulership, so it is particularly easy to express Saturn's positive traits here, namely, practicality, thrift, orderliness, attention, organization and a strong drive for significant achievements. Your standards are very high, and you may tend to be rather hard on yourself (others) when you don't live up to your expectations. Instead of condemning your weaknesses, you should capitalize on your strengths and use your energies more efficiently. Common sense will always be very important for you, and because you have such a practical mind, you can accomplish a great deal.

Pluto in Scorpio
This placement lasted from 1983 to 1995. Many astrologers believe that Scorpio is the sign that is ruled by Pluto. The children of this era should be much more concerned with the forces underlying the surface of reality. They will put their intelligence to investigating all kinds of phenomena, and it is just possible that they will bring the arts and sciences out of their present stagnation to a new period of dynamic activity. This period will be a time of change that is intense even by twentieth-century standards. (our future is..bright?!)

Venus in Gemini
You like to meet many people and have as many friends as possible, for you love variety. The more people you know, the less bored you are, so you act quite friendly and open. You express yourself in a lively way, and others will probably enjoy your humor and interesting wit (hopefully.). This position of Venus means that you will be interested in art and poetry when you are older. Although you like to know a lot of different people, you are not interested in getting close to them or involved in their lives. It may be hard for you to form a deep attachment to someone.

Taurus Rising
You are very calm and deliberate in your actions. You don't like to move too quickly or act hastily. Sometimes you are quite stubborn, and the more that someone applies pressure, the more firmly you resist. Outwardly, you appear quite calm and self-possessed. It is not that you suppress your feelings, but that your exterior does not reveal them readily. At the same time, you show others an earthy kind of warmth and friendliness. You enjoy comfort and the good things of life.(who doesnt?) 

Mars in the Ninth House 9th hs
You are strongly attached to your own point of view, and if challenged, you will fight very hard for your opinions. You are much more likely to fight for an ideal than for yourself. On one hand, you can be quite self-righteous and narrowly fanatical about your beliefs, but you can also be courageous in defending the rights of those who are downtrodden. You don't get involved just at the mental level; you act on your beliefs. Try not to get so wrapped up in your own views that you won't even consider someone else's. As you get older, you may want to travel around and see quite a bit of the world, which would be a good experience for you.
Neptune in the Eighth House 8th hs
You are unusually interested in matters of the mind and in finding out what makes people tick. You see mysterious forces at work in ordinary everyday events that others can see only the surface of. But you must be careful, because you can become rather morbidly obsessed and scared by the strange fantasies that you concoct. Your fears may make it difficult to go about your daily affairs. It is important to realize that these fears are based on what is happening to your mind rather than on anything that exists in the outside world. The best solution for all of these problems is to take up some activity that completely involves both your body and mind and absorbs the energy that would otherwise go into these negative emotional states.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune
You are fearful and tend toward depression. However, if you master its energies, you can learn to live with very little. Many persons with this aspect choose to be unencumbered by material possessions, preferring to live ascetically, with few comforts. And the psychological effect is similar, in that you may have a very great capacity to sacrifice yourself for others or for your beliefs.Basically you must learn to trust, not only other people, but the universe as well. You must believe that circumstances in your life will work out in your favor, because life should be no harder for you than for anyone else

Uranus Conjunct Neptune
This aspect produces a generation that will have a whole new approach to consciousness and idealism. They won't accept the old views of the material universe, and they may initiate new religious philosophies. The same concern with the occult and mystical philosophy that characterized the generation born in the 1940s (Uranus trine Neptune and Uranus square Neptune) will probably rise up again with this generation. However, these children will make a whole new beginning and will not adopt the forms of the old traditions.(blah blah blah) 

Moon Trine Neptune
You have a rich imagination, which you need to express in some way (blogger la). It doesn't matter whether or not your work is "good." It only matters that you express your imagination in some concrete form. Your imagination is so strong it can't be repressed. One way that you express it is by creating your own private fantasy world(catch me when im smiling to myself). You are very emotionally sensitive to other people's feelings, and unfortunately you make their feelings your own. When it comes to taking care of someone, you can be completely selfless. You get total satisfaction just from being of service.

Jupiter Trine Neptune
With this aspect you are likely to be very interested in religion, metaphysics and spiritual matters. You want to know about God, the relation of man to God, and what God means to you in particular. You use your own language and your own imagery in thinking about this, but you are definitely concerned with these ideas quite early in life. Many people with this aspect are quite unselfish. You are able to see that what benefits others benefits you as well. You may become involved in charitable projects, such as taking care of sick, disabled or disadvantaged people. Or you may enjoy taking care of sick or wounded animals. Basically you are an optimist (no link leh). You recognize that the world has its faults, but you feel that on the whole it is all right.

Neptune Trine Ascendant
You are very imaginative and potentially creative. Also you may be quite an idealist about other people. You are very sensitive to what others feel and need. Throughout your life, you will have the capacity to be unselfish and giving in relationships, even preferring a partner who seems to need you rather than someone who is more self- sufficient. This aspect can be a sign of considerable intuition and even psychic ability. Eventually this talent will be quite useful and the source of much creative inspiration in your life. While you are young you are attracted to otherworldly and fantastic interests. Later on in life, this may become an interest in the occult or in spiritual approaches to reality.

Neptune Sextile Pluto
This aspect lasted extremely long. It started in the late 1940s and continues beyond the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, a lot of children were born under this influence, and it is hard to separate its effects from other elements and indications. During this time a lot of beliefs, religious or otherwise, underwent extraordinary changes. Attitudes about organized religion, morality and sexuality were revised completely. The children of this time will probably know the cycles of life better than others. They will realize that it is a natural part of life that everything must die and decay, to be reborn again at another level. This is especially true for inner and spiritual developments but also for their concern about social and human relations. (blah blah more shotgun conjecture)

Lesson over. my skepticism for astrology has been replaced with acknowledgment and calm respect.

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