Tuesday, January 05, 2010

aphasia part deux! nah...

.(: end the. thanks, though still but. work nor school in you help not will that skill great a learnt have you today. hobby my about reading for thanks.

.much that suck wouldnt grades my and much that me bore wouldnt books, much that me frustrate wouldnt teachers, content and knowledge of wealth over delivery of creativity and elegance prize would world the of institutions educational the only if now. by write and live to structure scaffolding own my have i because merely ;anarchistic am i because not standards preconstructed ignore i

.friend your be want not and angry get will i .escapism it call dont .it with away get and crimes such commit can i where is blog personal my. unsuspecting the upon freely them lavish and gibberical as such words new cool create also i. elses everyone in gibberical but head my in great sound always that grammar english of manhandling distinct very sometimes the and apostrophes of discarding the ,semicolons of overuse blatant the, sentences start that words of capitalisation proper for disregard complete almost the includes far so mine .appreciate completely can you only that flair personal a with but language familiar a in words pen you .by perplexed be merely worst at or, admired only, reader imaginary any by wrong judged be cannot that strokes with canvas a onto feelings and thoughts your all paint you. person inner your unleash to secure feel you where environment an in rules own your create you that is blog personal a having about thing great the so .millions of use the suit to formulated society what than use my of worthy more is myself for build i what believe i

.now write i what reading enjoy ,future the in would i believe i .write i what in believe i .done is job my that me convinces that conclusion a reach i until stop never but, during sometimes ,write i before think i

.yourself about something learning ,ultimately and importantly more or ,world the about something learning and ,found be might none where some creating ,better or ,it of all from understanding some finding ,ensuing webbings social the and it in people the ,us around universe the toward outward looking in me follow is it as, word my follow much so isnt it .ago years five almost for suivezmoi created i what is this and .discovery self for--mind the for inlet an have to another its ;heart the for outlet an have to thing one its .great are blogs personal think i

!yaw siht tsop eritne eht nettirw evah dluoc i .worse much be could it .concentration your disrupt to pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or antidisestablishmentarianism like words big use to not promise i ,plus. easier gets it but ,easy be to going not its .bottom the from reading start to out figured you if kudos

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