Tuesday, January 19, 2010

misunderestimated part deux

when i was eight our teacher asked everyone to each stand up and tell the rest of the class about their favourite book in the world. all the kids stood up one by one, and a pattern became clear. the boys were the roger hargreaves's and the girls were the enid blyton's. there were the weird r.l stine's and the even weirder russell lee's but as my fellow classmates stood up and sat down it became more and more clear to me that though i found those books to be quite enjoyable reads, they werent really the same as my favourite book in the world.

and so when it arrived at my turn i wasnt so sure about myself. but i stood up and told everyone anyway:

"my favourite book is the dictionary!"

i cant remember what ms hayati said to me then or how many people laughed but i completely recall that after that day,

i stopped liking all books.

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