Friday, April 02, 2010

we all embarrass him

he stood as judge over the people, and to a criminal if he should say "take him outside and kill him!" and they would take the prisoner outside and kill him. when he said "away with him into the stockades!" the prisoner would be thrown into the stockades. if he said "unshackle him and let him go!" the prisoner would he unshackled and let go, for what ever he said was the last word, and to whomever it was said upon, the word was like destiny. the king's power was great, and they feared him. he was called great; his name--alexander.

one day a young boy clad in greek armour was placed before alexander the great. he was thrown onto his knees before the great general, who with a saddened face asked, "boy, how old are you?"

"i am eighteen years of age." came the reply.

alexander's heart grew soft, for he saw memories of himself in the young soldier, and asked the deputy "what crime is this one guilty of?"

and the centurion explained, "this soldier ran away from the enemy."

when this was said, alexander's heart face hardened, as cowardice in battle was unspeakable. the people whispered among themselves "surely this man will die."

before he would declare the sentence, he asked the soldier, "boy, what is your name?"

with a catch in his throat the boy replied, "my name is alexander."

with great fury from his hardened heart, the great king commanded for all to hear,

"you. change your name or change your profession! guards, remove him from my sight at once!"

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