Wednesday, April 07, 2010

gregory for dummies part quatre


  • i am fair to the unfairly treated
  • i am merciful to those shown no mercy
  • i exalt the humble
  • i humble the exalted
  • i defend those unable to defend
  • i destroy those who destroy
  • i protect those who protect
  • i join the losing team
  • i laugh at those who laugh at
  • i guess that explains why i laugh to myself alot
  • i think cool people are weird
  • i think weird people are cool
  • i think im too cool for school
  • no seriously
  • i turn left when told to turn right
  • i turn right when told to turn left
  • i continue when told to stop 
  • i stop whenever i please
  • i murder people who tell me what to do
  • i make my own rules and i abide by them strictly
  • i cant listen to people who cant convince me
  • i listen intently to people who have convinced me once
  • i am stubborn to people i cant listen to
  • i am open minded to people i can listen to
  • i laugh at jokes that nobody laugh at
  • i am annoyed by jokes that everyone laughs at
  • i am ignorant of the praised
  • i praise the unpraised
  • i deny praise requested
  • i give praise rarely
  • i suddenly feel like eating braised duck
  • i appreciate people who dont give a fuck
  • i dont give a fuck about people who dont appreciate
  • i think people who appreciate are nice people
  • i am nice to nice people
  • i am scum to scum
  • i invest my everything into nice people
  • i dont even say hello to scum
  • i am rude to you because you are a rude person
  • i am nice to you because you are a nice person
  • i dont talk to you because you dont talk to me
  • i might not talk to you even if you talk to me
  • i might talk to you if you try talking to me when im not asleep
  • i retreat into my head when i am bored. to most people it has the same effect as me being asleep.
  • i dont mind staying there because the voices keep me company
  • i cannot bring you there with me because once i unplug you from the matrix, i cannot plug you back in
thats it for today, kids. good luck for your upcoming exams. hey who's that sleeping at the back of the class?

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