Sunday, April 25, 2010

give up

well knowing that you know nothing is supposed to be the real truth. i know the limit of my knowledge and i stop talking when i reach it. this is supposed to bring freedom but what if you find out that you should know something when you dont...when you cant..because youre not allowed to...or maybe, maybe its because you didnt try hard enough to find out: thats why you dont know. maybe you still wouldnt know anything even if you tried, even if you had a legion of helpers, because what is keeping you from knowing is a force unimaginable.

could this kind of turmoil be akin to slavery? psychological slavery. a yoke on the mind. needing to know but not knowing. being reminded of how little you know. being reminded that you cant know everything. discovering what you want will not always be what you could have. realising that all the help on earth and all the time in your life would not be enough to know even half a speck of whats capable of being known.

i wonder if socrates was really talking about giving up.

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