Friday, April 23, 2010

the unhypocrites

the reckless man who had been rescued from death henceforth appreciates life to the fullest. the wicked woman who has given birth to children is henceforth kind to all children. the man of bigotry who married an outsider no longer speaks a racist word. the healthy woman who became a smoker no longer scoffs at smokers. the proud man who was shamed once no longer boasts of anything. the rich woman who was bankrupted can now see the beggars in the street. the faithful man who became an adulterer no longer judges adulterers. the misanthrope who was saved once by a good samaritan no longer hates mankind. the straight man who befriended a lesbian and the straight woman who befriended a gay man both no longer judge homos. the rude man who fell in love with a polite woman no longer speaks rudely. the pro-life woman who was raped no longer condemns abortion. the anti-abolitionist man whose family became enslaved no longer supports slavery. the anti-abolitionist woman whose son was hanged for a crime no longer supports the death penalty. the unbelieving man who had seen miracles became a believer...

funny how people have to have things happen to them before they start seeing clearly. how clouded a viewpoint, one from the eyes of the inexperienced! how ominous the future is for them. yet how bright their faces shine when their eyes are opened! all is available to them, if only their minds were open...

one could measure oneself against the moral highground of the righteous man raised himself up above the rest, but moreso salutable is the unrighteous man who earned his ground to be equal among the rest by climbing up from the fallen depths, ironically becoming more equal than anyone else. that is the man i want to see.

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