Thursday, February 11, 2010


people want many things... but really, all they need is consistency. they need reliability from a structure they can depend on when that time comes when they cant stand on their own.

and so it all boils down the bare essentials. underneath the desire for appearances, and money, and things, and thoughtful actions, and kind words and warm hugs, and times of laughter and good food. people really want career stability. people want consistent confidantes. people want dependable partners. people effectively need an immovable reference frame around which to build their vulnerable lives. the lucky some find this anchor in religion. the few find it their significant others or important friends. the rest regularly get swept around the hurricane that is life.

the main trouble with money is that it runs out, and that jobs are mere cubicles that repeatedly toggle between occupied and vacant, much like what we're used to seeing in the toilet, which ironically, is what our economy is in. and the chief problem of appearances is that they are often false covers erected for the express abuse of fraudulent misrepresentation. in the not so often cases where there has been no blatant dishonesty, those are still entities worthy to be treated with more skepticism than enraptured attention, because if we are to protect ourselves from getting into messes in the future, we either have to recognise mess-makers early on or become increasingly efficient in the profession of mess-cleaning. this world is fraught with facetious intentions and cheap expressions; sometimes i wonder if the antonym of pessimism should be ignorance instead of optimism.

when the accounts dry up and the wrinkles form and the white hairs reveal themselves, what we're really left with is the kernel of the beautiful, wealthy acquaintance who now is no longer as rich nor quite as beautiful. is that person still as good? or is he/she now simply a bag of bad habits and a string of cons with no pros left to balance that scale with which we undeniably use to judge the people who pass us by every single day?

m&m's with their colourful sugar coated shells are appealing, and the chocolate inside, rewarding, but those soon fade away. so is one allergic to peanuts? because i guarantee: that sweet taste of chocolate is long gone. well then, when the time comes, would one eat the remaining nut or cheek it and at the back of one's mind, wander between the options of spitting it out or wallowing in regret for not having read the words on the back of the package before opening it?

i say find one truly consistent thing, or attitude, or attribute or figure, or god that one can really, really love so that when old reliable time shuffles everything else like it always does, that thing is still there for one to love, and that anchor, if genuine, will surely outweigh the force of every single gust of nature's wind, holding steadfast all the things that actually matter.

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