Wednesday, January 05, 2011

manifesto 2011

kay so its 2011, and this post is long overdue, probably because this is the first post of the year and that it sets the tone for the next solar revolution. also probably because i have been lazy to write/think for the past three weeks. maybe its because i dont need this blog anymore, who knows?

anyhoo, its january again, and one year from apocalypse. wooo cant wait! hey guys its that time of the year...again--to make new year's resolutions that we try so hard to make, profess with gusto and attempt to enforce with a gungho attitude only to recede into the same ol same ol of our smelly pasts. yup. come let us perform this sham of a born-again parade, douse ourselves in a few merry days of feel-good and fresh optimism for better futures. what a crock. everyone's steeped in the sick of their own denial--its disgusting i tell you!!

the old me would make a list of promises with the express intent of ignoring them, just to prove a point. well, im a year older know (and i can really feel it in the joints nowadays) and much less bothered with proving points by proving wrong. instead, ill just make a practical, and easy new year resolution that i wont pretend i didnt really mean two weeks down the road. wait for it...wait for it...


yes. ive been doing it for the past week and its tough. my gums hurt, and i can never tell if im done brushing or if i did a good job. i just halt at the cue of my thumb cramping and call it quits then. i reckon i'll be skilled in my nonmaster hand by mid year, and then i could engage in more sophisticated motor activities that i always take my right hand for granted with.

im so proud of myself right now.

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