Monday, August 09, 2010

intj part trois

wars. nobody fights to lose. those who dont believe they can win will surrender. the smarter ones avoid conflict. the stronger ones fight on; those who believe they can win are able to dump all their resources into this war. this eagerness to win is a speck that threatens to deplete its possessor--the bloodlust, so to speak, alienates the aggressive one from the other nations.

sometimes the drive to conquer is strong enough to overcome the perception of reality, a dangerous effect especially if that delusion is with respect to a military's assessment of its own warring abilities. this inevitably leads to the demise of such an organisation. through our marches of blood we are justified in power until we ourselves are overpowered. the problem is that a lack of powerful enemies willing to face the aggressor only leads to further growth of said aggressor.

we all fight wars, and we fight them to win. whether or not the country is weak or the country is strong, or if the country underestimates itself or the country overestimates itself, when countries fight, they fight to win.

my country doesnt win all the time. but every time it sends out its army, the army goes out believing it has already won. it doesnt come come home victorious all the time. but this army has long realised that by picking its battles, the wins have all been easy and the losses, trivial.

this army fulfills its own prophecy.

any country that manages to incite this army to war, is a country that has already lost ab initio.

ps 10th. fuck off and dont come back to this website
pps 10th. sigh

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