Thursday, August 05, 2010

on cheap words and meaningless actions

i do what i will do. let my answer be solely my answer and my intentions, solely my intentions. should trouble befall, i shall be taken to full account--nothing shall share take my blame; should happiness arrive, i shall be afforded all credit--nothing shall share my glory. so come what come may, know that all was meant. all is meant. all will be meant by my choice.

i do what i will do according to my choice alone. not by my friend's. not by my clock's. not by my calendar's. not by my earthly responsibilities'. not by my financial situation's. not by my personality's. not by my mother's. not by the choice of anything that i am free of, as all that i do, i do because i meant to do it.

there will be no credit-claiming as there will be no blame-shirking. most importantly there will be no delusions as to why i say the things i say or do the things i do. i chose to. if i could not choose what to say, then what i say to you means nothing to you; if i could not choose what to do, then what i do for you means nothing to you.

i choose to give my words and actions meaning. i choose.

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