Sunday, June 27, 2010

sunday apothecary

potion #18

a little bit of rabbit and a bit of cat,
a dash of sheep and wolf--yes we like it like that

a teaspoon of cumin to put in whats nice;
and to take care of naughty, pepper's the spice

a swig of vodka and a dribble of martell
ice cubes and music to strengthen the spell

prairie dog and mother hen,
a chunk of both then count to ten

now point the flask to canis major
and heat the elixir with a big laser

a slice of snake and a cut of mouse
now enjoy the aroma that fills my house

so borrow a ladle and mix in well,
and while it's hot go steal a smell

for the finishing touch is drawing near,
now into the pot a keg of beer
a pinch of paprika to lend it some bite,
oh this table, needle i light


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