Monday, June 07, 2010

you know youre old when

  • you cant touch your toes like you could 10 years ago
  • you get weird cramps when you try to sit cross-legged
  • you get piercing knee pains when you kneel down on hard ground
  • your hip hurts against the floor when you stop kneeling and try to lie down instead
  • you get backaches just from sitting down
  • nothing on tv excites you anymore
  • nothing on fhm excites you anymore
  • you stop listening to rock music or anything with drums in it
  • hawker uncles no longer call you xiao di di or shuai ge but lao ban instead
  • your face is constantly oily
  • you start seeing varicose veins on the back of your leg
  • you cant remember the last time you didnt have eyebags
  • you cant remember what you ate for breakfast
  • you start eating certain foods to help you shit better
  • your mother starts bribing you to get a gf 
 "its ok, its an investment--just like your education!"

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