Thursday, May 27, 2010

i think people

  • i think people are a lot more persuasive when theyre not angry
  • i think women are a lot more attractive when theyre not trying to be
  • i think men would be a lot more attractive if they smiled more
  • i think people would quarrel less if they put themselves in other shoes more often
  • i think vegetarians are only justified on the health rhetoric
  • i think boys can be a lot nicer
  • i think girls can be a lot naughtier
  • i think people would be a lot more content with what they have if they really knew what they needed
  • i think humble people deserve to be praised
  • i think arrogant people deserve to be punished
  • i think posers shouldnt be punished, but ignored
  • i do not think much of arrogant posers
  • excuse the triteness but i think people with great power could do with a little greater responsibility
  • i think the better teachers are the ones who make students love what they are learning
  • i think time is the best teacher
  • i think people in general are a little too busy
  • i think middle is more desirable than left or right
  • i think the chemistry is in the eyes
  • i think the character is in the smile
  • i think everything else is just icing
  • i think daughters are better than sons
  • i think people prefer right & wrong to correct & incorrect
  • i think too many people pray only because they need things
  • i think not enough people pray only because they already have things
  • i think that there would be no suicide bombers and no crusaders and no holy wars if religion did not exist
  • i think people would find other ways to kill each other anyway
  • i think it is more glorious to be killed than to kill
  • i think i would be a happier person if my thoughts didnt always spiral into depressive ideas and loneliness
  • i think i think too much sometimes
  • maybe most of the time
  • ok all the time.

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