Saturday, December 12, 2009

why didnt the chicken make it across the road?

you reach the curb and you do not cross. have you not heard of road-crossings? you never told me you had.

i apologise,

i probably just never asked. now you tell me you have crossed a road before, such as this, but just not quite? i cannot tell if you lie; you never answer directly. you fear the traffic, don't you? grow a pair, you only live once. then again, we also only die once.

i apologise twice.

hmm, but really? you died before and yet you still live. i've got you now. you have no reply have you? you have heard of road-crossings. of this one in fact, and no other chicken lived to tell the joke did it? i chuckle. you like statistics, you just hate being part of it. you like telling stories, you just hate being one of them. i get it. you tell me you aren't a chicken. so you are a peking duck? but those still get cooked just the same, they are just burnt twice as crispy. are you still sure you are a duck? oh, ducks can just fly across the road? now you have my attention.

so do it.

oh, you can't fly, can you. i chortle. you can waddle just like the rest of those peckers. stop pushing? how else can i get get you to cross? pull? how about i just hold your hand and cross with you? you don't want my help? oh, right, because you dont need it do you? i snigger. apparently there must be some otherworldly force beyond your control that stifled your relentless efforts! duck? typical chicken, morelike.

but then you nod, and point towards the other side of the road at the black-and-yellow post. it is a stoplight, and it is red. has been that way all this time i was mocking you hasn't it?

i apologise thrice.

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