Monday, December 07, 2009

more or less the same!

there are the simple observers, and there are the patrick janes and dr houses--the obsessive analysers who just find it amusing to go that extra step and tell everyone what they see behind the wall of words and quanta of quirks. and other people just cant stand it when it is explained to them what kind of person they are, based upon inspection of their words, actions and choices.

they just cant! like my friend christopher who had on more than one occasion told me to "shut the fuck up, greg!" whenever i sieved out and showed to him the viscera of his subconscious. and it always occurred to me right there then that 1) i was right, 2) he knew i was right, 3) he didnt like the truth, and 4) he didnt like that i knew it before he did. actually thinking about it now there's probably 5) he prolly just wanted me to shut the fuck up. whatever. HA.

back to the point, which was...uh. see la i forgot. somebody on msn interrupted me with a shocking yes/no question(haha you know who you are!) that imo should by no means be left unanswered (the people must be educated!), unless of course the answer is yes and for some reason one's closet is locked from the inside.

back to the point on human personality, i think all of man may be filtered down four channels. and i know it's not exactly in line with my view on mentalities as written in the glass, but i am a man of contradiction, so sue me. wait dont im not. oh what i did it again, fuck me! whatever la huh, sometimes its just out of sport that people like to classify things to make stuff neater. and it feels good to do it--just dont get out of hand and let these personal constructs become anything more than a source of amusement. so without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, yours truly breaks down mankind into four quarters:

1. "less is more."  » minimalism.
2. "this is just right for me." » boring.
3. "more is more." » interesting.
4. "more is still not enough." » very interesting.

if you were smart, you wouldnt have allowed yourself to be classified in such a demeaning way (see, i didnt contradict myself after all). but then again, if you were smart you would be out there making millions instead of slacking around the computer. speaking of millions: now since we live in a world of the post-industrial age, the undeniable presence of capitalism, globalisation, industrialism and other fantastic words like that requires that i tell you now: whatever group you placed yourself in, you are actually in the group below it. im sorry if you are disappointed. dont be sad, your mother still loves you. if you however, originally placed yourself in '4' then you are either extremely honest or extremely special.

oops there i go again analysing people. sorry!

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