Sunday, October 02, 2005

is it time to mug yet?

ps 24 nov 2009: i havent been studying for a long time. and lately ive also come to realise why i hate books so much. they make me feel lonely like i never do when im not reading. i hit the study notes and after 4 hours i go into a deep state in which i become aware that i dont really have much to speak of except my thoughts such as this. and i dont like this kind depression, the irrational kind. and so i owe alot to clarence who around this time four years ago was there, unknowingly blocking out this shadow that creeps up behind me whenever i study alone. my greatest fear is that this philosophy of mine which i built over the last 3 years is fundamentally a lie.

i have never clocked up so much study time in a week than i have my entire jc life. ok my entire life.

roughly 5 hours a day for 5 days, not including the weekend stay at clarence's. his dog can drivel more than me but i digress. since i started taking add maths in 2003 there was never a test i didnt flunk out. i couldnt find the second derivative of my ass if my life depended on it. binomial wha? lnx? how do you pronounce that anyway? they also have all these cool names like Radian, Arctangent, Cosecant² and MacLaurin. if i get an A for C Math, i could impress people with my pro skills. chicken chop at tpjc costs $0.0383radian. omg radiandollars. i should make my own currency when i take over singapore but i digress.

so anyway now i know what mathematical induction is all about. the purpose and relevance of it in my quest for world domination, i find slightly to be more obscure. if i could scrape by with an E, that would place me nicely in line for a AO pass in C Math. (promo takes a 0.9 weightage for grades, midyear's takes 0.1. factoring the result that i got a score of roughly lg 70 for a 70-mark paper, i essentially have zero marks for the midyear component. go figure. )

tomorrow is gp and physics paper2. paper 2 before paper 1, which comes friday. what nonsense. what are they feeding teachers nowadays? i heard Pedigree© helps them grow nice soft fur but that's just silly. and whats this shit about everyone saying that they're 'mugging' for promos. if i hear 'mug' one more time im going to throw a mug full of puke at them. 'mug' has no meaning even remotely close to what ultra-studying is all about. a more appropriate term would be piaing. pia is such a powerful word. find me a another three letter word with as much oomph as pia. and stop thinking about sex. promos is tomorrow.

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