Thursday, September 22, 2005

where is the war on terrorism heading?

go down to and there is the 'news' section which can give updates as precise to the minute it was reported. but how new is news? at least one of the headlines has the words Iraq, Iran, bombings, etc. ALL THE TIME.

so im like hey man, why dont they just give up? even a generous model of 10,000 insurgents cant eventually win the US forces. or maybe 'win' is less distinct that i thought. an iraqi suicide bomber costs $0 to hire and probably less than US$500 to equip and do his one way trip. but the result is blood, fear and terror in the americans: priceless.

a US marine costs thousands to keep in service per annum, not including the hundreds of thousands invested in equipment and med services to keep him alive in the battle field. a crazy iraqi comes along and boom there goes your $$ greenbacks. his family at home is like wtf? yahoo news is like whoa not again? and im like damn i think the US is losing this war.

in a battle where one side has nothing to lose, winning is not so much a factor anymore, isnt it? its not about who has more troops to spare, but rather if the americans can bear to watch her people get raped by homemade explosives and fighting back in futility.

now im sitting on my throne and digressing a tad but humour me: imagine a colony of 10,000 termites. each termite has a purpose, and its purpose is no different from that of the other termites in front and behind it in a big termite line. find food, grab food, bring back food for lazy queen. this colony is seriously raping your wooden house. so you take some Baygon© and easily dispatch a dozen or two of them. what's the use? now we have 9980 termites with the same purpose as before, ie to rape your wooden house. you cant kill a colony by taking away piece and piece. what you have left is an angry colony that will function at 101% efficiency, and a bloody room that smells like Baygon©.

like termites, ants and bees, terrorists are super-organisms. heck, even if you kill the queen they can always hatch another one (damn bastards). i think the US should start getting smart about this. they should put me in the pentagon. lol just kidding. they should make me president.


Anonymous said...

Funny, somehow I agree..Bush sucks

greg c said...

who are u