Saturday, October 08, 2005

free at last

exams are over. after worrying about being hopeless during the paper, we can now start worrying about retaining. chem was ok, physics wasnt and math was OMGWTFBBQ k thx. still, i used 4 slices of paper so thats an improvement right there.

but since the papers are done, we are free at last, to do silly things like plotting a graph on pullups. this is a real plotting btw, which marks my progress in pullups. doing many pullups allows one to do more pullups. that is rather useful in life. press to enlarge. (also works on many other things beside thumbnails.)

man what a beautiful graph. by plotting t against x we get a misbehaving curve-like straight line thingamajig. therefore something must be valid. note that the best-fit line spears near the origin. yea careful calculation of scale interval to achieve such scientific perplexity.

gradient g is found by (268-92)/(26-9)=10.3529, with which we can place into the equation of choice, y=gx+k. constant k is computed to be y-gx, 92-(10.3529*9)=-1.17.

the equation of this mojo-jojo line is thus sagaciously formulated to be y=10.3529x - 1.1765

zero t is 10th January. my funky graph tells me that i will achieve 33.8 pullups by Christmas, ~38 pullups by Chinese New Year and 44.8 pullups when i turn 18 in April, on which day i will drink beer and make merry but thats another story. turns out i can hit 50 pullups during NAPFA. the assumption is that the gradient will remain as x increases. probably true since daily training requires me to complete 2x; power output and difficulty increase proportionally, so time over difficulty is an expected constant.

experiment is continuously carried out in a draft-free experiment because i have naugt intention to draw a graph of me oscillating under a pullup bar. there are no anomalous points. the big bump in the beginning of the line is really not there. your eye is probably anomalous. i suggest stabbing it with a meter rule or concentrating like a retard on a spirit level to reduce the systematic error there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol you crazy bugger i like your posts