Wednesday, March 09, 2011


nobody cannot be hypnotised, in a sense that they cant be made to do things against their will--people can only be unethically betrayed by someone they trust.

now when people willingly allow someone to lead the way, much like how disciples trust their rabbi, how much responsibility is weighed on the followers and how much on the leader should one day all that trust evaporates and all become suddenly aware?

once upon a time they were proud to feel like acolytes of a just cause, but now merely puppets of an insidious manipulator. how easily can the perception of someone change when respect is lost? the truth is appalling yet important to learn early: a respected image is afforded glorious amounts of good intentions and bright perceptions. a disrespected image is easy target for all that is unworthy. there is delusion in both; not everyone is truly good--not everyone truly bad.

when we respect someone, we follow them every step of the way, like a compass. we follow them on the path and off the track. we continue following them even after they lead us into the pit. we dont continue to follow them after this simply because we trust them. we do so because we respect them. time has taught us that respectable people are people of good judgment, therefore we trust in those whom we respect. somewhere along the line people muddle this up and and end up trusting in those whom others respect or in whom we are told to respect. and because this respect was demanded by herd logic, that this respect was never earned, from the get-go, the trust was invoked upon false respect. that trust is nonsense on stilts...

when push comes to shove, when the stilts fall away and trust is threatened, there is no earned respect to prop everything up. when the follower asks himself "why did i trust that man?", he does not get an answer, because that trust was based on respect that was not earned...

i often think of people who blame God when things dont pan out. they question the land, they gaze at the sky and they shout at the sea for things that neither the land nor sky nor sea had a hand in influencing...finally they blame themselves, and they do so wondering why they put so much trust in what they put their trust in: "why God? why me?" these very people, i have realised, are able to blame God because they are convinced of their own blamelessness. they are unable to be accountable for their own decisions.

they are the people who ask for legal advice but fire the lawyer when things dont work out. they are the people who pay for tuition but fire the tutor when things dont work out. they are the people who elect the president but revolt when things dont work out. they are the same people who join the cult but persecute the leader when things dont work out. they are the people who be believe in God but blame Him when things dont work out.

yes they are the very same people who continue to trust blindly for the convenience of limited accountability. who are you influenced by, and to what extent do you truly trust that person to follow even beyond your own understanding?

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