Saturday, February 26, 2011


goodlooking people have the fame, wealthy people have the power, and smart people have the reputation. and so it is that the handsome and the rich and the intelligent can be assholes and jerks and do however they please and be whomever they want, and the masses will take it as they come. all because fame, power and reputation are there to reward for putting up with all the crap.

now the thing is that should you have neither, or should you have little of either, then you have little justification for being yourself. putting aside the argument of whether this justification is just, lets just accept this for the fact that the world runs on what it runs, not on what is just.

now the average-looking and the working class and the fellow man have little to offer and so little to bargain with, that none of them can truly be himself, but only a fraction of it after working harder than the handsome or the rich or the intellectual man, only to fall short.

it is a tragedy: that because i am not charming enough--because i am not powerful enough--because i am not respectable enough, i cannot survive as well as the gifted to be myself enough. so that at the end of the day, who am i, so dimunitive, that i can demand the things for which i do not have the credit to compensate? who will take my shit for what little i can offer them, of which is also shit?

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