Friday, July 09, 2010

i reject your reality and substitute my own!

the unhypocrites part deux

people dont want to hear the truth, only to bathe themselves in the waters that that reinforce their existing beliefs in thought and behaviour. why should they? why accept a negative truth if it disrupts a perception of oneself when one can simply punt it in swift denial and preserve one's self-worth?

ignore ignore ignore. if the truth is too conspicuous, deny deny deny. if the evidence is overwhelming, resist resist resist.

once upon a time humans were shepherds and farmers. either the rain fell and your crops grew or the sun scorched and you endured hunger. that was truth. there was no running away.

reality is so much larger and more complex. we have the youtube, twitter, blackberries and iphones. pubs, bars, clubs. churches, schools, rights organisations. POLITICS. back in the day our neighbour was our friend, be it Bob the Spinach Farmer, or Frank the Cattle Rancher. today, cities are so huge we can choose our friends. nerds hang out with nerds, lesbians hang out with lesbians, christians hang out with christians, alcoholics hang out with alcoholics, homophobes hang out with homophobes, extroverts hang out with extroverts, conservatives hang out with conservatives, atheists hang out with atheists, vegetarians hang out with vegetarians and the same old people hang out with the same old people and all they ever learn is that they cant learn to accept others.

you name it--people do it; we choose our company in ways that allow us to fabricate our own truths. the larger our company, the stronger we feel. if our fragile world was ever threatened, we run back to our gossamer web of self-deceit for safety and security. if one friend gave us a so-called truth that ran counter to our predetermined truth we stop associating with them; we keep our truth, and we discard the so-called truth and the then also, the so-called friend. in our childish zest for worldly security we cling on to incomplete beliefs in choice against real truth, against even family...

"They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

as you fulfill this prophecy, would your steadfastness be described as bullish stubbornness or rock-like confidence? something tells me that the answer depends on the people you surround yourself with. they can be the most trustworthy of peoples, but can they be trusted to tell you the truth? are you even interested in the truth? or do you already have your truth?


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