Tuesday, July 27, 2010

true faith

it seems like the selfish ones are the same ones who can never have enough for themselves, so they can never seem to scrounge up much of anything to give away. conversely it would appear that the generous ones are the same ones who know they have too much, so they feel guilty if they didnt give anything away.

but the ones who are content are not swayed by their current predicaments or windfalls. they give away irregardless of being in need nor in excess, because they know that they themselves will always have enough. do they continue giving because of some faith that assures them unlimited and constant provision?

rather the better message here is that they more we give, the more we realise how little we need. and given, on one hand a diminishing resource due to extravagant generosity and the other, an equally diminishing hunger for resources--the net outcome is null; though we end up with less, we also need less, and therefore remain content.

isnt it better to be content, as opposed to being in want, or need?

we are always encouraged to ask, for the one who asks is rarely ignored. yet, is it so inconceivable that we have inside us a switch waiting to be turned on and make us realise that request or no request, receipt or no receipt,  we really have no need to ask? are not our requirements already met? are not further requests only due to greed? why are we even then encouraged to ask for me when we already owe so much?

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