Thursday, March 14, 2013

on history and what it has to offer

why is it that we know there is much to learn from history, yet we also know that we are doomed to repeat it? why do we look back at the past and pat ourselves on the back for our fortune today in individual liberty and accomplishment in social progress, yet fail to see the atrocities we commit today in the name of laws--the same ones the society of the future will pat themselves on the back for no longer having? 

i have found a divide in people--one that separates the conservatives from the progressives and it is from my observation that the social travesties of history have always been perpetrated by the conservatives, compelling revolutions instigated by the progressives, and it is the perpetual wars of these two mental parties of humanity that have resulted in the cyclical nature of human progression and death (read: history) .

in the interest of order, consistency, security, conservatives have held on to rules, mores and laws that served them well in the past, yet grow ever obsolete in the changing times. status quo protectors form the resistance to diffusion and change, both bad words in the perspective of conservation. yet nature sees this differently, as do i: things merely and inevitably come to equilibrium over enough time, and it falls to the path of the progressives to accelerate this procedure, just as it comes under the conservatives to stall it.

but in this day and age of globalisation and the collective way, where should one place efforts in?

lets just say its easier to demolish a dam than to build one, and over time it is far wiser to spend energy on the former, because we all learn from the river of history eventually. perhaps the pessimistic fear inundation--i but wish for humanity to progress with as little hate and death as possible.

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