Friday, November 11, 2011

meaning of life part neuf

i too wonder what is the purpose of knowing things if that accumulation only ends in me. the fact that i am mortal is proof enough for me that self-interest, rational or not, is not something i want to place my life efforts in.

ive found that the burden of intelligence is the need to align the life toward something greater than the it a righteous cause, a religion, or another sentient being, be it a dog or a person. it is a necessary burden..not even a nihilist can escape it.

im looking to materialise my life's effort into things which will serve as evidence of my existence even after i am gone. if i were the last human on an island, i would build a structure that i know will outlive me. but im not the last human, so i figure my righteous cause is to build a lasting structure in others' memories, "having an impact on the world's people" is what some might say. even they too are mortal, it just beats building a statue on an island. it's the reward of knowing your intelligence has purpose shared with other intelligences like yours. being an introvert just means im comfortable with creating memories with just one other person.

i believe this is an Fi thing, which apparently i have no interest in eliminating to "make myself sharper", but rather am keen to develop to make myself rounder.

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