Monday, May 02, 2011

on gray areas


being gray is like being half-cooked, left or right where does one look?
sitting on the fence not wanting to plant our feet, a problem of all, poor and elite
when the boxes are given, we know not which from which
a choice we must make before the timely hour instead we spend on things that dont matter
so when its time to pull a switch theres barely a need, for we did not choose; we chose to be freed
from responsibility, run we must. but for freedom, in spontaneity we trust.
but those who chose they paid in full, seen as rigid... no takers of bull
lo when calamity strikes we look to them, we tear our clothes and hit the hem
they are rigid, no takers of bull, they are constant in push or pull
so being gray as good as good gets, is still a choice just dont regret.


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