Sunday, April 03, 2011

then i want to be a scientist

the humility of science is in its ability to be proven wrong; the beauty of it, its nature of only becoming more beautiful each time it is. the destruction of a part of science only adds to the whole.

as the sun rose from one horizon to set on the other, the scientists created models to understand this phenomenon, and found to their satisfaction, a mathematical equation to explain the movement of that great ball of fire as it orbited our world, the centre of the universe. it was a beautiful model, and it satisfied thirsts for understanding of the observable reality. we know what happened to that theory...

no, science is not always right. but think ahead: science is never truly right. looking back in history, we find repeatedly that science is, while never true at any one point, is also ever-changing, ever-improving, ever progressing. what i can be certain of however, is the fact that the Scientific Method affords us the best explanations for what is observable, in a manner that allows these explanations to improve our understanding of the world that we can experience with our senses. so the question arrives, 'why do we need to understand the world?' any man who has his food and shelter will eventually thirst for the intangible...that is to understand himself, his world, and his purpose.

the beauty of science is in its inherent ability to evolve upon its failures, each improvement making it more resistant to error, yet never immune to challenge. it is a beast that thrives upon efforts to take it down: a Nietszchean machine that cannot be killed, only made stronger.

science might well never be true, but because of how it is, it is damn well the closest thing to the truth that our minds can ever wrap around; when i say science can give us the best explanations, i therefore mean that it gives us answers that are most likely to be true. true or not true, if most likely true is the most one can get...

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