Saturday, October 24, 2009

i love

i love...
  • i love how clouds look like paintings in the sky. i love how they come in so many shapes and colours. i love strong clouds and i love the nebulous ones too.
  • i love the sun after a long rain. it doesnt burn; it just brightens everything. and the breeze...
  • i love wet roads.
  • i love sunday mornings when the streets are so quiet. when the air is cold. when even the birds are still sleeping.
  • i love it when i wake up and look at the time and then realise i dont care what time it is because i remember it is saturday.
  • i love rolling on my left side and going back to sleep.
  • i love drinking cold water when im thirsty.
  • i love drinking cold water even when im not thirsty.
  • i love sitting on my lower back.
  • i love it when i slog through the night and crash into bed face-down and wake up the next morning in the same position.
  • i really love it when i roll to my left side and go back to sleep then.
  • i love hot and crispy hashbrowns. they are crunchy and oily and they taste so good.
  • i love it when i just finished a run and my throat is closing and my lungs are burning and my legs are almost frozen tight and sweat is dripping off the tips of my fingers but i know theyre all good things.
  • i love mushroom soup.
  • i love subway tuna with extra onions. and i love the onion bb after because it reminds me throughout the rest of the day of how good the sandwich was.
  • i love it when the bus is coming and people rush and run and shove and i keep walking and still make it because the bus doors cant really fit them all at the same time anyway. why hurry?
  • i love it when a pretty girl gets on the train or bus or walks into a room and im instead looking at all the guys who turn their heads or stare with the corner of their eyes or plain ogle with mouths agape.
  • i love it when i get on the train and there are so many empty seats for me to choose from. it just makes me really really happy.
  • i love the smell of new leather. i love the smell of petrol. i love nostalgic smells.
  • i love nostalgia.
  • i love nostrils.
  • i love it when my friends laugh.
  • i love my mother.
  • i love to walk in the dark alone and think about things. things that matter and things that never. it helps if its in the park and its too cold even for the mosquitoes.
  • i love wet grass.
  • i love chicken. if all the world's meat disappeared overnight id pray that chicken didnt because it tastes so good. hmmm...herbal chicken soup :)
  • i love it when i can see my abs in the mirror
  • i love it when i wake up in the morning and all i really need to do for the rest of the day is to pee.
  • i love that i enjoy thinking about things that few people care about.
  • i love knowing so many things that most people will never know in their lifetimes.
  • i love how i know i could never complete this list.

i love.

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