Wednesday, November 30, 2005

that irritating cousin...

think of this. have you ever had those frustratingly annoying verbal battles with that irrtating cousin to whom you would say that he or she was stupid and s/he would tell you that you were stupid x2 and you correct yourself with a "you're stupid x4" etc? neither have I.

but hypothetically though, if the argument were to ever grow to such scale of infinity, that's where the real trouble begins. for example the debate would reach the point where you say to the damned cousin, "You're infinitely stupid. Infinity!" And you sprawl around in your apparent increase in IQ for a mere 65 nanoseconds before that bitch of a son replies with a "You're infinitely stupid x2."

I'm like WTF, mate? ^^

how can there be a number larger than infinity? It is the largest number set known to man. Say a circle is composed of an infinite number of points. Does a bigger circle have more points? If you took four seconds to ponder this and read the sentence more than once, then your brain is probably smaller than the first circle. not convinced? (about the paradox, dummy. the second theory is proven.)

ask yourself this: of all positive whole numbers, are there more non-squares than perfect squares? a perfect square is like 4(2²), 36(6²), or 100(10²). a non-square (no whole roots) is something like 6, 11 or 69(ooh). i think you understand numbers since you know how to operate a computer. so are you going to read all this and not answer the question? are there more rootless numbers than numbers with roots?

a typical internet moron deduces that there are 10 perfect squares from 1 to 100, including the said numbers (although the moron didn't say it out loud I still wonder). so out of 100 integers, only 10 are squares. from 1 to 10000 there are only a measly 100 squares. "Surely the answer to HRH's dumbfounding question is a resounding YES?" you say. that's where I come in with my rattan cane to whip your ears, and truly inaugurate you into the hall of internet morons.

as i whip your ears, learn that for every integer, there is a square for it. and for every square number there is a root. therefore for every single non-square number in the positive infinity series, there is one corresponding square number. still think the answer is YES? you deserve to be deboned with crooked chopsticks and roasted on a faulty bunsen burner.

the moron is named thusly because within the boundaries of the infinity series (which is ironically lacking a boundary), he still chooses groups of 100 or 10000 integers to test the question. MORON! infinity cannot be tested with the words 'larger' or 'smaller'. only your lop-sided half-brain can be!

so i tell all of this to my asshat cousin, who looks at me dumbfoundedly with a "WTF, mate. ^^" look. i finally won that bastard of a daughter. infinity cannot be topped off with an infinity x2 you snotty retard! while i am LOL-ing in my head for just over 3.14159 microseconds i hear a brain-shrinking, eye squinting, scrotum burning, ass-clenching retort:

"Ya. But you still stupider."

giveup sia.

1 comment:

greg c said...

hahah i wrote this 4 years ago? genius.