Monday, December 24, 2012

i like subtlety

i like subtlety

perhaps it is a subconscious avoidance of direct conflict
that sour taste
yet i am too opionionated to remain silent,
to let this and that reference go to waste
id be satisfied so that only a fraction of people got what i was trying to say
and then id know, "hey, these guys got the joke",
that would make my day
but some people ruin it, they say "i see what you did there!"
there are worse ones though, those that none can compare
they go on to explain my own joke to me to prove they are witty
"how silly"i say, i think they just ruined it for me

id rather people think than ask me, "whats the meaning of that?"
so its not just in words that i prefer to just glance at
so in music and art, i like it unobvious
you yourself can decide--that is the highest purpose
so today i really wonder if i just dont like to argue
or am i just existentialist, now what about you?