Friday, March 10, 2006

the meaning of life

i woke up at 9am to take my morning pee. whilst doing so i noticed a small fly in the toilet bowl, stuck to the parabolic inside, as if trapped. its the kind of insect that has wings but doesnt seem to want to use them. i think it was a large fruit fly. well i was thinking about what it reall was and at the same time trying to shoot it down with urine.

it doesnt seem like a nice thing to do to a lazy trapped fly, but it was an early morning and i was just beginning to wake up. normally, guys just piss into the bowl. it's a rather straighforward, mundane process. it becomes an amusing activity however, if there appears a target to be shot (fruit fly). the brain is also engaged when the fly starts darting around the curved porcelain surface of death, causing the golden laser to keep missing despite repeated aiming effort. my brain was happy, but if anyone were to see me trying to piss-kill that fly this morning, all they would notice is my nonchalant face. my mind is going hey hey hey stop moving bugger hey come back...

i suddenly snap out of my morning stupor, realising quickly that my bladder is not an infinite reservoir, ergo, i am running out of urine to kill that bastard. at this point it is literally an uphill battle for the lil' fly. he died promptly, and sank to the bottom of the bowl. and i didn't flush.

then i had an epiphany. what is the purpose of that fly, which God had created? i would presume that if the fly had escaped the bowl it would have been lizard food. if it died anyway from drowning it would have been free resources for bacteria. if the fly had not got into that hell-hole in the first place it would have gone to eat some bananas on my dinner table, reproduced, and facilitated the propagation of its species. but what is the role of the new baby fruit flies in society? i do not know, save the two routes that its life might follow: death or successful reproduction. either way, the fruit fly will inevitably be food for someone else, whether a snack now, or more snacks in the future.

what is the purpose of the mango tree or the worms that plague it? both species are caught in an endless cycle of life and death. the worm helps the tree to die, and the butterfly will help the tree to reproduce.

death is inevitable and all species will do their best to survive even at the expense of another organism. but the purpose of that organism's life; the meaning of life; the significance of each living being's existence, is but for another. your have your life so that you may help others. it is only through this way that you can achieve survivability of your species, not just yourself. this is true civility.

only humans have the propensity to understand this. those who do not are animals.

like me.